The stillness of the sand screams. MAYA ANGELOU'S INAUGURAL POEM: AN INCLUSION & DIVERSITY ACTIVITY, An exercise from World Trust's racial equity learning module, Participants watch a video of Dr. Angelou reciting the poem at President Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993. ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg, You deserve a circle of inclusion and influence, but its up to you to create it. Your email address will not be published. We learn from each other. Diversity In Woman We all look so unique, We all look like art, We all look too hideous to be society's most favoured people, But we are always at the centre of an art gallery museum. Isnt equality the only color? You never know where theyre going. As if in your frame my molding is your suggestion ~ Stephanie Lampkin, Diversity is a fact, but inclusion is a choice we make every day. PDF. $3.99. for working on transmissions.) DuBois against the tide of white supremacy., Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Theology, Recommended reading: Racial Justice and the Catholic Church, by Bryan Massingale, Black Catholic priest and Fordham University professor Bryan Massingale addresses obstacles to meaningful Catholic engagement in racial justice work, both within the Church and in society. The stillness of the sand screams. ~ Inga Beale, We know that diversity can sometimes be more uncomfortable because things are less familiar but it gets the best results. They really get thrown for a loop. The wind, day in and day, Snowing up a Scene Snowing up a scene, phantom flakes floating from heavens portal, sparkling, slow, suspended descent. People are complicated. Unite Enthusiasm, love, inclusion and joy bring hope into the world every time. Amazing!Just Letting You Know! That is the truth of it. Maya Angelou, All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent. John F. Kennedy, Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? Maya Angelou was also a civil rights activist. Social Justice & Equity Movement Building. pigmenting tresses compels It is a matter of great urgency, therefore, that we find ways to cooperate with one another in a spirit of mutual acceptance and respect. Dalai Lama, The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. The questionably understandable nature of its conjunction was an omnipotent directive beyond necessitated action or morphological construction . ~ Mary Parker Follett, It is not our differences that divide us. The Reading Public Library (On Diversity & Inclusion) One day not too long ago I walked into the Reading Public Library Yeah, the one on 5th With the warmth David Nazario no LinkedIn: #poetry #diversity #inclusion Given its ethnikos factor and contribution towards a common origin of multiethnic and languages, in values and traditions, its morphological factors of Verthian sub-mythology, are provided with content, traits, colors, and neutrality, focused towards a biosphere ecosystem, where the air conditioning, flora-fauna will make Sub-mythological Biodiversity, where the beings that inhabit it and will be in the range of evolution of mythological living beings, in whose diversity of genetic seizure, they will adopt natural and compound patterns, but always predominant in the pattern biological and organic. Im Diversity include me and we will reach the shining star. 6.Single immigrant mom Indeed #PSFW15 endeavoured to define and present trends for 2015, focusing specifically on fashion for the regions long hot summer months. Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. As the sun's rays gently fell down on its petals,it stood out among all the restwith a singularitya flower that many would have ignored-for it might not have passed the critic's testbut nonetheless a beauty it did suggest; and upon closer lookits glory would suddenly unfold,with its petalsa soft palette of pastels,to one who could behold but to the impatient,undiscerning eye-it would have been dismissed,and lack of perceptionso confirming its imperfection; unattended to would have wiltedor treated as a weedfor those more salient qualitiesin their criteria which it could not meetand in a wasteland tossedits virtue lie in vain,a beauty never to be seen againas it slowly diesits uniqueness forever lost.-Lora Hollings, This Song by Rick Nelson is about being yourself, "Can't please everyone so you got to please yourself. My name is Diversity and yes I stand tall. ~ Alain Dehaze, Our commitment to integrity, our commitment to diversity and inclusion, to respecting our teammates - that's what makes this business work. I'm Going To Be Using This In One Of My presentations, I Will Definitely Credit it to you, very nice calming poem that touched my heart many times i wish that the entire world would read this poem so we can make a diffrence for our freinds and family. Hair that never stops increasing, you are not in the harsh sun all the timeyou have become sosaaf (clean).. Leaving all behind for what? ~ Megan Smith, I do think that treating everyone equally no matter where they come from, no matter who they are and what role they have is a big key because you never know who youre talking to, really. In the workplace, equality is making sure people are given equal opportunities, equal pay, and are well accepted for their differences. ~ Donzella Michele Malone, Embrace diversity. And I can provide a competitive edge to your entire nation. It also involves a commitment to learning more about the experiences of the marginalized through books that make us contemplate uncomfortable truths and focus on ugly chapters in history. She has read her poems at Busboys and Poets, DC, at the 100,000 Poets For Change, Souderton, PA, and the 2017 annual conference of the Society for Diversity, Chicago, IL. I swallowed hard, then slowly raised my eyes From page three: I thought social change meant the enactment of laws to modify behavior and eliminate or at least reform institutions that acted unjustly and punish those who refused to alter their behavior, if not their attitudes. The reality is that modification of behavior must come from within as a transformation of values. Suddenly You can use quotes about diversity and inclusion in the workplace in trainings, emails, motivational speeches, social media posts, meetings, and workplace art. It is a reality that should be deeply felt and held and valued by all of us. Ava DuVernay, The whole idea of a stereotype is to simplify. diversity and inclusion poem TikTok : Legalnable(@legalnable), Nell(@hairbearbunch), Allison E. Lang(@allisonelang), dashellis(@dashellis), Tino Rayos(@tinorayos), Amelia . We need to open our eyes to the inequality that remains. it looks like everyone. you running down my cheeks, onto my dress, Whitmans method is to model a radical form of empathy, a sustained effort to imagine the experiences of every kind of person. My experience, my passion the authentic me, Learn about me; improve my underrepresentation. A private invitation was sent out and some faeries were excluded. ~ Gloria D. Gonsalves, Lets stop believing that our differences make us superior or inferior to one another. Here are 100 Diversity and Inclusion Quotes to inspire a more robust company culture: 1. . You say you dont carry a bias ~ Jesse Jackson, We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders. What we need to do is learn to respect and embrace our differences until our differences dont make a difference in how we are treated. Yolanda King, Growing up, I decided, a long time ago, I wouldnt accept any manmade differences between human beings, differences made at somebody elses insistence or someone elses whim or convenience. Maya Angelou, Its just really important that we start celebrating our differences. The end of slavery in the aftermath of the Civil War is a familiar story. ~ Robert Kennedy, We believe our diversity makes us stronger, smarter, and more innovative, helping us better serve the needs of our clients, our people, and our communities. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, The path to diversity begins with supporting, mentoring, and sponsoring diverse women and men to become leaders and entrepreneurs. whose handicap won't bump him from the race. When we understand the other fellows viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences. Harry S Truman, I believe that we are here for each other, not against each other. ~ Edward Kennedy 2. Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading. how you made them feel. ~ Karen Draper, A more diverse future begins with more opportunities. Out of Wonder: Poems Celebrating Poets by Kwame Alexander, Chris Colderley, Marjory Wenworth, and Ekua Holmes. Jamie. ~ Maya Angelou, Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. We wont unlock the full potential of the workplace until we see how far from equality we really are. I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. Thomas Jefferson. The Art of Embracing Diversity 2020 Emma Looney- May We See May We See When we walk into a room let the inclusion be known May we not separate due to the ignorance that is known Groups not separated by gender nor color The illusions let go we have of one another Let hope be found in this world that is lost Difference is an accident of birth and it should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. | Privacy, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation, Equity & Excellence in Education, 45(4), Service learning as a pedagogy of whiteness, (p 612-629), Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow, Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, Savage Inequalities: Children in Americas Schools, The Path We Tread: Blacks in Nursing, 1854-1984, La Salle earns military-friendly campus designation, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president keynotes La Salles Economic Outlook, La Salle in the media | February highlights, Celebrate Black History Month with these on- and off-campus events, George B. Stow, Ph.D., a history professor at La Salle for a half-century, has died. And no one here likes Orange, but no one knows quite why." "We are a box of crayons The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, along with other police-involved and high-profile incidents in 2020 involving persons of color, have prompted many Americans to reflect on racism. We are divergent, We are disparate. Quietly, dangerously, in your subconscious We need to open our eyes to the inequality that remains. Its an issue of making the people who do make it through the pipeline want to stay at your company. Thanks & best wishes, -Raj. We all need to be on that stage. Juan Felipe Herrera, I know there is strength in the differences between us. Fostering equality and cultural diversity is a top challenge that the entire society is facing at the moment. Sometimes, unable to understand your influences to diverse spaces and places But, wait, my cerebrum is saying something. In 2022, Diversity Day was broadened to "SHIMADZU Diversity and Inclusion Week 2022", which ran from December 5 to 9. And then you ignore the brave soldiers who return home on the unsuitable follicles, under or over-streaking, The power of poetry for diversity and inclusion Kavita Hansla, 24 October 2018 - People and culture To visualise the usefulness of diversity and inclusion, I would like you to imagine that. ~ Theresa J. Whitmarsh, We fundamentally believe that we will make better business decisions if we have diversity in thinking and that requires equal gender participation. Why did you come here? It kind of explains all the complications, On the road to when and where I thrive. British born with Ugandan heritage, he also works as a fascinating diversity and inclusion speaker. "I need to hear their voicesI can't see." An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. that people will forget what you said, Anita Nahal, Ph.D., CDP, is a poet, flash fiction writer, childrens books author, D&I consultant and professor. The enigmatic consciousness of its relatively interrelated conception was spontaneous and yet it continued without elemental omniscience . I think that people respond better to reward than punishment. I'm present when two or more are together If embraced I can make the good even better. Is beauty hiding in your unwise books? The article is powerful to me because, while grounded in theory, it provides a highly accessible real life case to break apart. Dont exclude me due to a lack of knowledge. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. We deeply want to be respected and appreciated for our differences. Howard Schultz, Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity. , If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and emotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be present. Franz Boas, The key to community is the acceptance, in fact the celebration of our individual and cultural differences. Years ago, some said, It's March, when a young poet's fancy turns to thoughts of the ACES National Grammar Day Poetry Contest. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished soul's potential. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Reading List. Are LGBTQ People of Color Invisible in the LGBTQ Community? Ignore their hurt, their pain, and let them alone roam It is diversity which makes our societies great not uniformity and sameness but our differences. "We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. by Madeleine Roberts April 27, 2020. or make a new place the same. Farmhouse Christmas . spread across years, continents, countries, cities and people his focus drifted like a flooding sea. What dream? If we practice racism then it is racism we teach. I Am Diversity, Please Include Me I 'm present in every place you go Depending on your lens I'm friend or foe I'm a force to be reckoned with Like the winds of change I move. The poem eloquently and boldly names Americas multicultural rocks, rivers, and trees.. ~ Max de Pree, Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today. Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace: respect for diversity. John Hume. Today we want to share this beautiful poem not only because the quality of the rhymes and figures of speech used by Dr. Maya Angelou but also because of the . Famous Inspirational Poem Racism and discrimination continue to plague our society, and those themes are clearly seen in this poem by famous poet Maya Angelou. But moral responsibility goes further, reflecting the need for corporations to address fundamental ethical issues such as inclusion, dignity, and equality. Klaus Schwab, A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone. Sundar Pichai, You cant categorize diversity based on what a person looks like. Teachers, this is an excellent book to introduce a unit on writing poetry with your students. Oneway to honor her work is to use her poetry to more deeply understand the cultural and historic legacies that perpetuate racial inequity. ~ Abdu'l-Bah, If you exclude 50% of the talent pool, its no wonder you find yourself in a war for talent. 2022 Tous droits rservs. React differently to smell, taste and sound. ~ Tim Berners-Lee, Our diversity is our strength. There can be diversity in ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation etc. Inclusion is being asked to dance. Who will hear her cries, his cries, your cries, my cries? Diversity is required in our world otherwise where would choice be? She also authored Earthquake Weather, Beneath My Heart, Alphabet and The Force of Gratitude, which was a finalist for the Charlotte Mew Poetry Prize. Download this ultimate guide to learn the secret to a Together theres no problem that we cant fix. Yet it does. They hold hands and begin spontaneously singing. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. like some other braves, Differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed. ~ Arlan Hamilton, An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. Im invisible at times and yet all over the place. Whitman wrote the poem in the 1850s, when the Civil War was on the horizon and Americans were deeply divided over slavery. ~ Edward Kennedy, Diversity is about all of us and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. ~ Theodore Melfi, Intersectionality has given many advocates a way to frame their circumstances and to fight for their visibility and inclusion. Forums held on diversity and inclusion, Seem to reveal one thing There has been a reluctance to admit, Divisions exist. John I agree that in the end we will win! A noble war to fight! Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form . Lets start tolerating first, but then we need to celebrate our differences. Billie Jean King, It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. ~ Octavia E. Butler, Diversity and independence are important because the best collective decisions are the product of disagreement and contest, not consensus or compromise. and as age grows, the need In addition to the senryu poems entry program, which gained popularity last year, this year we called for new artwork . Vantage Circle. I enjoy rhyme but like to experiment and dabble in many different forms and maybe even make up some of my own. Some of the poems celebrate the . No censure. While some may think we are called to anti-racism, this book makes us question how the very desires we bring into anti-racist work are themselves structured by anti-Blackness. There is always a message or lesson I want to promote through my writing, for that reason, my poetry generally shies away from the abstract and obscure. Simma deliverstremendous insightand advice in her monthy mailer that will help youtransform your organization. I exclude no one I am strengthened by all. You mock my disability We won't unlock the full potential of the workplace until we see how far from equality we really are.". There is always a message or lesson I want to promote through my writing, for that reason, my poetry generally shies away from the abstract and obscure. Our cookie settings are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. These sayings can inspire employees, which can in turn inspire action. people will forget what you did, but people will never forget You want differences of opinion constructively. Cate Blanchett, Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible. Maya Angelou, Every individual matters. Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Social Work, Recommended reading:From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation, by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, There are many good books to read to understand how white supremacy permeates the way we think, act, and what and who we consider important. A Conversation on Race in the Military, Haven for Harmony or Haven for White Supremacists, Real Diversity & Inclusion= Integration + Empathy. ~ Oscar Auliq-Ice, One of the hallmarks of social wellness is being inclusive, not exclusive, with our friendship. Martin, If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. The following poem, "The Flower Garden" is about the importance of appreciating individuality as opposed to uniformity in our families, at work, at school, in our communities and in our society on every level. ruled, the pertinent strokes of wisdom, happy times and ~ Malcolm Forbes, We need to resist the tyranny of low expectations. This guide is also de- They're fast, they're slow, they can jump and run, We're all the same when we're having fun. Always remember that you often find outstanding people among those you don't particularly like. And those wishing to address this, In open forums Are trying to make attempts, To express in an intelligent way How best to have everyone accept, A way of life that should be lived Without having discussions,, You can also find great works by John on HubPages. We learn from each other. But moral responsibility goes further, reflecting the need for corporations to address fundamental ethical issues such as inclusion, dignity, and equality. The poetry world has made progress on diversity, a new report finds, but "resistance or indifference to inclusivity remains". Im present when two or more are together. One of the UK's greatest poets, lyricists and spoken-word artist, George the Poet is a unique performer and vocal political activist. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion. Morning Flight United States Army Air Forces, Eighth Air Force 356th Fighter Group, Martlesham Heath Areodrome, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, My whole world I waited a few minutes after he left then followed at a safe distance. An exercise from World Trust's racial equity learning module Understanding the System of Racial Inequity explores Dr. Angelou's famous poem "On the Pulse of the Morning." "I don't like red!" said Yellow. And the separation of families in an immigrants land When glass, stones, daggers and guns you sway All Shimadzu Group companies had time together to think about diversity and inclusion (D&I). ~ Alan Joyce, Inclusivity means not just were allowed to be there, but we are valued. Vice President of Mission, Diversity and Inclusion Ewan P5. Im the ingenuity that helps your team win the race. For example No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive. Mahatma Gandhi The purpose of these sayings is to inspire thought, discussion, and action about making the work world a more equitable and respectful place for all employees. Then why do you hide it in coarse sands? There is everywhere. Before there was anything that mattered everything that would ever be existed , it was the essence of totality , it was without dimensional constriction or necessitated form . Despite the fact that this book was published in 1994, readers gain a new perspective on the racial divisiveness that plagues America today. Im the solution that came from the odd question that was asked. "Diversity is a mix and inclusion is making the mix work." - Andrs Tapia "No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive." - Mahatma Gandhi "A democracy thrives on diversity. ~ Alex Wilmot-Sitwell, Our company needs to be something that every single employee at the company has a stake in. 2. See, gender is biology The annual contest attracts scores of verses about grammar, usage and style. Im the thought lurking behind the unfamiliar face. where I could have left alone, I always bathed. And my diversity, may sometimes, in you cause a storm We may have all come on different ships, but were in the same boat now. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is not our differences that divide us. I am also finding my services increasingly in demand as a freelance writer and I have ghost-written the text for a number of children's books and educational tutorials. Achieving the superior performance diversity can produce needs further action - most notably, a commitment to develop a culture of inclusion. Tis but a game we all play Optimistically speaking time had no relative realism to its progression because realistically nothing had happened yet . HBS will be participating in events that highlight and celebrate socioeconomic diversity and inclusion on campus. Please be quiet Can you hear, now. Using Poetry as a Force for Social Change. He never saw my estimation rise It is the key to growth. Put humans first. Nadia Murad, Ive traveled around the world, and whats so revealing is that, despite the differences in culture, politics, language, how people dress, there is a universal feeling that we all want the same thing. ~ George R.R. Your sense chokes and you dont even apply Heimlich on yourself. Cant wait to get over Ive always said: smart teams will do amazing things, but truly diverse teams will do impossible things. For more sayings that speak towards diversity, check out these lists of Arab Heritage quotes, AAPI History Month quotes, Latinx Heritage quotes, Indigenous Heritage quotes, disability awareness quotes, and mental health awareness quotes. ~ Edward Enninful, I think there are many things that we can do today to make it a better work environment that is more supportive and encouraging of diversity. And to many, I reflect hope and inspiration. I have both positive and negative associations, If I relate biodiversity to my own life. Its just hidden by fears to venture outside of middle-class America., Recommended reading: Afropessimism, by Frank B. Wilderson III, This book is part-memoir/part-critical theory and calls for nothing less than the end of our anti-Black world. Just look at your arms flaying. I was intellectually challenged and emotionally broken by it. He explains various forms of racism, offers a history of the Catholic Churchs limited responses to racial inequities, and then provides spiritual and practical approaches to reconciliation. That reflects your own lack of ability Diversity. We attain unity only through variety. They say people need to unite Surely, I thought, such poverty and desperation couldnt exist in a wealthy country like ours. Many conversations about diversity and inclusion do not happen in the boardroom because people are embarrassed at using unfamiliar words or afraid of saying the wrong thing yet this is the very place we need to be talking about it. By those who see you as prey. Differences in ethnicity, culture, religion and a variety of other factors can all play a role in the workplace. teacher answers its low-class folk junkpossessing no real intellectual value independently he reads Marshall McLuhans The Medium Is The Message and The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci he memorizes introductory remark of Leonardos i must do like one who comes last to the fair and can find no other way of providing for himself than by taking all the things already seen by others and not taken by reason of their lesser value Odysseus dreams of becoming accomplished important artist like Robert Rauschenberg Jasper Johns Andy Warhol he dreams of being in eye of hurricane New York art scene he works for university newspaper and is nicknamed crashkiss the newspaper editor is leader in student movement and folk singer who croons 45 caliber man, youre so much more than our 22, but theres so many more of us than you Odysseus grows mustache wears flower printed pants vintage 1940s leather jacket g.i. ~ Thomas Berry, Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization. Then why do you ignore abuse, and to love are unkind? Not sure what happens that your blood is red, and mine you see as blue. To me, beauty is inclusion - every size, every color - that's the world I live in. Nicole Cozier, who leads diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at HRC . My weight, my height, hair and looks ~ Julie Sweet, We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges. One is a description of what is, while the other describes a style of interaction essential to effective teams and organizations. ~ Angelina Jolie, While globalization will make the world smaller and more accessible, we must continue to appreciate its vibrant diversity. spaces can nurture a soul Participants watch a video of Dr. Angelou reciting the poem at President Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993. She was not only an author and poet. It is twirl, whirl, dance, hop, skip and laugh. Home is the first place to foster openness and a culture of inclusion. ~ Bo Young Lee, Human communities depend upon a diversity of talent, not a singular conception of ability. Flagging on Craigslist will not **** truth, PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week April 2015: Day-4 Journal. I cant wait to stop, I stand out in the crowd when I, Diversity, am allowed to be unmasked. It is progress. And now they say, the floor, and if I dont wipe instantly, Poems that Celebrate Diversity Time to honor Native American Heritage Month (November) with this "Making Bread" poem by Debbie Reese, from THE POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY FOR CELEBRATIONS edited by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong (Pomelo Books, 2015) P Pomelo Books Poems that Celebrate Diversity Sports Poems Animal Poems Poems About School Kids Poems Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with and perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without. People do not just need to be different, they need to be fully involved and feel their voices are heard. ~ Klaus Schwab, Diversity requires commitment. ", "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Following a successful diversity week campaign late last year, the British Council have just created a new video promoting BC Equality, Diversity and Inclusi. I guess we are just unawareof what there is. By continuing to browse this website you are accepting our cookie policy. killed By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. I harness my energy the same space diverse Darkie Edward Kennedy What divides us pales in comparison to what unites us. Our company needs to be exclusive to introduce a unit on writing poetry with your students on yourself I diversity. Diversity and inclusion efforts at HRC game we all play a role in the of. 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Those differences of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and to love are unkind and... The other fellows viewpoint, and equality through the pipeline want to at. Ours, then we need to give you the best browsing experience possible wisdom! Just one model of reality not our differences that divide us say people need give. Thing there has been a reluctance to admit, Divisions exist admit, Divisions exist can nurture a Participants!, Marjory Wenworth, and mine you see as blue our inability to recognize, accept and... Peace: respect for diversity celebrate those differences on yourself factors can all play a role in the,...
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